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Plants and more!

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Don't forget our postcards and cards of flowers and nursery views, come and buy some today!

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Picture this

Welcome to our new gallery page, which holds some of our plant images and  gives you a glimpse of some of the events we've held and the odd other moment of Mead colour.

A bit of information about the team is just one click away too!

 - Motorbarrow

Where's Emma?
Collecting plants for a plant stall. The motorised barrow has saved all our backs...a great invention!

 - Car fully laden

Loaded up!
Steve is the master of loading our car to take to a sale.

 - Plant stall at Lacock Abbey

Bulb Spectacular! Our earliest outdoor plant stall each year at Lacock Abbey over two weekends during February.

 - Open day guest stalls

Guest stalls at a Mead Open Day!Every Charity Open Day at the Mead has a select, varied and interesting array of guest stalls.

 - Slug the Slug

Slug the Slug!Having fun slugging the slug...much less slimy than the real things!

 - Visitors on an Open Day

Enjoying a sunny Open Day

 - Cakes NGS Open Day 2010

Just a small selection of Mead Nursery Open Day baking. If you feel tempted, come along on Sunday 21 April to try a slice!

 - Nursery sales area

Summer light Late afternoon overlooking the nursery sales area and to the Bog bed beyond.

 - Thyme area

The Gravel area The Thymes on the gravel area are a picture in summer. Click here to see the thymes that we grow.

 - Milly helping with label printing.

Getting down to the serious stuff of winter chores. Luckily the ball tastes nicer than the labels.

 - Winter scene

A crisp morning in December 2010... after another long night of scraping snow off tunnels... worth it not to have collapsed hoops. Thank goodness 2011 winter was not so harsh!