A to Z for genus list
Terms and conditions
To find a plant:
1. Click on the first letter of the genus in the A to Z list above.
2. Click on the genus in the genus list.
3. Scroll down the plant list to view each plant description, with height and preferred situation.
If you are using an iPad, scroll the plant list with two fingers.
Key to symbols

All our plants are grown in our own special peat-free potting compost with added loam. Our bulbs are sold growing in pots, not as dry bulbs.
Most of our plants are in 9cm pots.
Prices start at £3 for alpines,
£3.50 for bulbs and £4 for herbaceous.
peat-free compost mix £6 a bag.
Cornish grit £3 a bag.
We accept chip & pin cards.
To get printed catalogue, send your address and five first class stamps.
Some plant descriptions mention that they are protected by Plant Breeders’ Rights (PBR) legislation. You need a licence from the person or nursery that first discovered these plants if you plan to propagate or sell them.
See the Food and Environment Research Agency Plant breeders guide for more information.