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- ferula
- filipendula
- francoa
- fritillaria
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Like giant fennel, very statuesque. Yellow umbels in early summer. May take a year or two to reach flowering size but worth the wait!
Like giant fennel, very statuesque. Yellow umbels in early summer. May take a year or two to reach flowering size but worth the wait!
2.5 m

Like a gigantic fennel but with more glaucous foliage, very statuesque. Yellow umbels in early summer, might take a year or two to reach flowering size.
Like a gigantic fennel but with more glaucous foliage, very statuesque. Yellow umbels in early summer, might take a year or two to reach flowering size.
2.5 m

An attractive Meadow Sweet. Clump-forming perennial with fern-like bronze-purple leaves. Feathery heads of light pink flowers, from June to July. Prefers moisture-retentive soil.
An attractive Meadow Sweet. Clump-forming perennial with fern-like bronze-purple leaves. Feathery heads of light pink flowers, from June to July. Prefers moisture-retentive soil.
45 cm


Forms a basal clump of fleshy green leaves, sending up spikes of pink flowers with darker markings, in summer. Hardy most years, but does not want to sit in a cold bog through the winter.
Forms a basal clump of fleshy green leaves, sending up spikes of pink flowers with darker markings, in summer. Hardy most years, but does not want to sit in a cold bog through the winter.
60 cm

The bulb is poisonous.

‘Snakeshead fritillary’. Chequered purple or white drooping bell flowers in April. Likes moist, cool conditions. Can be grown in light grass.
‘Snakeshead fritillary’. Chequered purple or white drooping bell flowers in April. Likes moist, cool conditions. Can be grown in light grass.
25 cm

Nodding heads of maroon red flowers with golden rim. A good one for growing in light grass.
Nodding heads of maroon red flowers with golden rim. A good one for growing in light grass.
40 cm