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A Mexican plant with bracted umbelliferous heads of jade-green flowers, which remind me of Helleborus foetidus flowers, only larger, from April to June. The bracts age to pink and last until autumn. Likes a well-drained soil in a sunny, sheltered situation.
A Mexican plant with bracted umbelliferous heads of jade-green flowers, which remind me of Helleborus foetidus flowers, only larger, from April to June. The bracts age to pink and last until autumn. Likes a well-drained soil in a sunny, sheltered situation.
1 m

One of the Himalayan blue poppies. Stunning electric, cobalt-blue flowers in midsummer. For those of you with acidic soils in partial shade....a bit of a challenge! Could also be grown in a container with ericaceous compost.
One of the Himalayan blue poppies. Stunning electric, cobalt-blue flowers in midsummer. For those of you with acidic soils in partial shade....a bit of a challenge! Could also be grown in a container with ericaceous compost.
1 m


White labiate flowers with purple-maroon lower lip in May-June, occasionally all pink. A woodland plant that prefers moist soil, but not water logged, in partial shade.
White labiate flowers with purple-maroon lower lip in May-June, occasionally all pink. A woodland plant that prefers moist soil, but not water logged, in partial shade.
65 cm

Wonderful, statuesque grasses showing of their best in late summer and autumn, but continuing to give a good display through the winter months if left unpruned. Make good clumps without becoming invasive. Ideal for those of us with good solid clay soils, though we are discovering that they also seem to do well in much drier soils.

A good tall grass with pinky-red tinted flowers in late summer. Seems slow to clump up with us.
A good tall grass with pinky-red tinted flowers in late summer. Seems slow to clump up with us.
1.5 m

A compact form of Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' with the added advantage of the golden bars across the leaves from the beginning of the season. (PBR)
A compact form of Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' with the added advantage of the golden bars across the leaves from the beginning of the season. (PBR)
60 cm

Green foliage, reddish pink flower panicles in autumn which turn into wonderful fluffy heads later on. With us it has remained in neat little clumps.
Green foliage, reddish pink flower panicles in autumn which turn into wonderful fluffy heads later on. With us it has remained in neat little clumps.
1.2 m

A tall grass, reasonably slow to increase; non invasive. It has silvery white plumes of flowers approximately 2.2 metres tall. Makes a bold focal point in a border.
A tall grass, reasonably slow to increase; non invasive. It has silvery white plumes of flowers approximately 2.2 metres tall. Makes a bold focal point in a border.
2.2 m

Grown for its attractive foliage, which emerges plain green in spring, then develops creamy yellow stripes across the leaves. Rarely flowers for us.
Grown for its attractive foliage, which emerges plain green in spring, then develops creamy yellow stripes across the leaves. Rarely flowers for us.
1.4 m

Fine foliage with a silver midrib. Silvery flowers in late summer, early autumn. Makes good clumps.
Fine foliage with a silver midrib. Silvery flowers in late summer, early autumn. Makes good clumps.
1.3 m


A tall grass with a cloud of flowers, giving an airy, transparent feel, in late summer. Very popular.
A tall grass with a cloud of flowers, giving an airy, transparent feel, in late summer. Very popular.
1.6 m


Looks like an acid lover but is happy in lime soils. Lovely blue nodding flowers from spring to summer. Spreads well.
Looks like an acid lover but is happy in lime soils. Lovely blue nodding flowers from spring to summer. Spreads well.
20 cm


Evergreen rosettes of spiny green foliage. Tall stems of unusual small, but long and thin, white tubular flowers with a pink flush in midsummer.
Evergreen rosettes of spiny green foliage. Tall stems of unusual small, but long and thin, white tubular flowers with a pink flush in midsummer.
60 cm