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- raoulia
- rhodohypoxis
- rodgersia
- rosa
- roscoea
- rosmarinus
- rudbeckia
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A mat-forming alpine with silver-grey leaves covered with white-silky hairs and pale green flowerheads in summer. Prefers very well drained soil in sun and given protection from winter wet.
A mat-forming alpine with silver-grey leaves covered with white-silky hairs and pale green flowerheads in summer. Prefers very well drained soil in sun and given protection from winter wet.
1 cm


A bulbous plant with starry pink flowers throughout summer. Must have very well drained, acid soil, or grow in a pot and given winter protection. Ready in May.
A bulbous plant with starry pink flowers throughout summer. Must have very well drained, acid soil, or grow in a pot and given winter protection. Ready in May.
10 cm

Hairy, grassy leaves with starry red flowers throughout summer. Must have very well-drained soil as hates being soggy in winter, when dormant. Good in a trough. Needs acid soil.
Hairy, grassy leaves with starry red flowers throughout summer. Must have very well-drained soil as hates being soggy in winter, when dormant. Good in a trough. Needs acid soil.
10 cm


Large palmate leaves, sometimes tinged slightly bronze. If grown in sun, needs cool, moist soil – ideally by water. White flowers in July and August. Good foliage plant for bog gardens. 1 m
Large palmate leaves, sometimes tinged slightly bronze. If grown in sun, needs cool, moist soil – ideally by water. White flowers in July and August. Good foliage plant for bog gardens. 1 m
1 m


A tallish shrub rose with attractive glaucous foliage. Simple single pink flowers in summer which turn into orange-red hips in autumn.
A tallish shrub rose with attractive glaucous foliage. Simple single pink flowers in summer which turn into orange-red hips in autumn.
2 m

Roscoea are choice plants with almost orchid-like flowers, preferring to be planted deep in good, humus-rich soil. They look as if they would be tricky to grow, but given the conditions mentioned you can have an exotic looking plant growing with little trouble.

Almost orchid-like sulphur yellow flowers, flushed with purple, from July until October.
Almost orchid-like sulphur yellow flowers, flushed with purple, from July until October.
50 cm

Sulphur yellow flowers for months from May.
Sulphur yellow flowers for months from May.
50 cm

A larger flowered version of Roscoea cautleyoides and slightly later flowering.
A larger flowered version of Roscoea cautleyoides and slightly later flowering.
50 cm

Almost orchid-like pink flowers, for weeks from May.
Almost orchid-like pink flowers, for weeks from May.
20 cm


Prostrate rosemary. An aromatic, evergreen shrub with trailing branches. Blue flowers for weeks from early summer. Prefers well-drained soil in a sheltered sunny position.
Prostrate rosemary. An aromatic, evergreen shrub with trailing branches. Blue flowers for weeks from early summer. Prefers well-drained soil in a sheltered sunny position.
75 cm

All Rudbeckias should be ready mid May.

Similar flowers to R. ‘Goldsturm’ but the leaves are slightly more hairy and it is a taller plant, which seems to make a dome of flowers.
Similar flowers to R. ‘Goldsturm’ but the leaves are slightly more hairy and it is a taller plant, which seems to make a dome of flowers.
75 cm

Rich yellow daisy flowers with dark centres, for weeks from July.
Rich yellow daisy flowers with dark centres, for weeks from July.
60 cm

Another valuable perennial for later in the year. Shiny dark-green leaves, with stems of deep-yellow daisy flowers with black centres from August onwards.
Another valuable perennial for later in the year. Shiny dark-green leaves, with stems of deep-yellow daisy flowers with black centres from August onwards.
45 cm

Striking, rich reddy-brown daisy flowers, some with yellow, almost velvet-looking, from July. Short-lived but self-seeded well with us last year, so we treat it like a hardy annual. Grown from seed so each plant has slightly different flower shades. Ready in May.
Striking, rich reddy-brown daisy flowers, some with yellow, almost velvet-looking, from July. Short-lived but self-seeded well with us last year, so we treat it like a hardy annual. Grown from seed so each plant has slightly different flower shades. Ready in May.
50 cm