A to Z for genus list
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- teucrium
- thalictrum
- thermopsis
- thymus
- tradescantia
- trifolium
- triteleia
- tritonia
- trollius
- tulipa
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A small shrub with narrow silver-grey leaves. Two-tone purple flowers in round clusters in summer. Prefers well-drained soil. A more unusual alpine, not often seen.
A small shrub with narrow silver-grey leaves. Two-tone purple flowers in round clusters in summer. Prefers well-drained soil. A more unusual alpine, not often seen.
15 cm

A good dwarf hedging plant. Lilac pink flowers in late summer. Can be pruned right back in late February and March to keep its shape. Loved by the bumble bees.
A good dwarf hedging plant. Lilac pink flowers in late summer. Can be pruned right back in late February and March to keep its shape. Loved by the bumble bees.
30 cm

The round green leaves make a low clump, covered in summer by flat heads of purple flowers with a creamy white lower lip.
The round green leaves make a low clump, covered in summer by flat heads of purple flowers with a creamy white lower lip.
10 cm

All parts of the plant are poisonous. Foliage may cause irritation to the skin.

Aquilegia-type foliage with short stems of fluffy pinky-lilac flowers in early summer.
Aquilegia-type foliage with short stems of fluffy pinky-lilac flowers in early summer.
1 m

Sprays of mauve-purple flowers in late summer, on tall stems, giving a willowy appearance. Likes a cool situation in neutral to acid soil.
Sprays of mauve-purple flowers in late summer, on tall stems, giving a willowy appearance. Likes a cool situation in neutral to acid soil.
1.6 m

White flowered form.
White flowered form.
1.6 m

Double-flowered version of above, always very popular when seen.
Double-flowered version of above, always very popular when seen.
1.6 m

Yellow Meadow Rue. Wonderful blue-green divided foliage with tall stems of cloudy, pale yellow flowers in early summer.
Yellow Meadow Rue. Wonderful blue-green divided foliage with tall stems of cloudy, pale yellow flowers in early summer.
1.6 m

The leaf is shaped rather like an Epimedium, dark green overlaid with silver veining. Tiny lavender-mauve flowers for weeks from early summer. Good for slightly moist soil in dappled shade.
The leaf is shaped rather like an Epimedium, dark green overlaid with silver veining. Tiny lavender-mauve flowers for weeks from early summer. Good for slightly moist soil in dappled shade.
40 cm


‘False Lupin’. A valuable early shrubby flowering perennial with pale yellow lupin-like flowers in April and May. The flowers are attractive to butterflies and bees.
‘False Lupin’. A valuable early shrubby flowering perennial with pale yellow lupin-like flowers in April and May. The flowers are attractive to butterflies and bees.
90 cm

All the following thymes are evergreen, with lovely scented foliage. They all grow well in amongst paving; the prostrate varieties, such as T. ‘Bressingham’ having the advantage that they will not suffer too much if trodden on! Like a lot of herbs, they do like a sunny position in well-drained soil.

A flat mat of green leaves with a covering of pink flowers in May and June.
A flat mat of green leaves with a covering of pink flowers in May and June.
2 cm

Deepest pink, almost red flowers in midsummer. A flat mat.
Deepest pink, almost red flowers in midsummer. A flat mat.
2 cm

A lemon-scented dark green low mound, splashed with yellow. Lilac flowers in summer.
A lemon-scented dark green low mound, splashed with yellow. Lilac flowers in summer.
15 cm

Caraway scented foliage with a very prostrate growth. Pink flowers in summer.
Caraway scented foliage with a very prostrate growth. Pink flowers in summer.
2.5 cm

A very distinctive thyme with wiry stems and dense narrow grey leaves. Soft pink flowers in summer. Due to the dense nature of the leaves and prostrate growth, it is probably best grown in a gravel bed.
A very distinctive thyme with wiry stems and dense narrow grey leaves. Soft pink flowers in summer. Due to the dense nature of the leaves and prostrate growth, it is probably best grown in a gravel bed.
10 cm

A fairly prostrate thyme with lemon-scented foliage and pretty pink flowers in summer.
A fairly prostrate thyme with lemon-scented foliage and pretty pink flowers in summer.
10 cm

Forms a mound of dark green leaves, with pink flowers in summer. Can be used in cooking like common thyme.
Forms a mound of dark green leaves, with pink flowers in summer. Can be used in cooking like common thyme.
30 cm

Low, golden mounded thyme, with lilac flowers in summer.
Low, golden mounded thyme, with lilac flowers in summer.
25 cm

Very flat mat, with tiny leaves. Pink flowers.
Very flat mat, with tiny leaves. Pink flowers.
2 cm

A flat carpet of scented green leaves almost totally covered with tiny white flowers in summer.
A flat carpet of scented green leaves almost totally covered with tiny white flowers in summer.
2.5 cm


Slightly scruffy foliage, but with good blue, three-petalled flowers, for months, from midsummer.
Slightly scruffy foliage, but with good blue, three-petalled flowers, for months, from midsummer.
50 cm

A distinctive Tradescantia with bluish-grey foliage, and purple-violet flowers for weeks in summer.
A distinctive Tradescantia with bluish-grey foliage, and purple-violet flowers for weeks in summer.
50 cm


Upright stems of large pale creamy-yellow clover flowers in summer. Keep dead-heading to extend the flowering period.
Upright stems of large pale creamy-yellow clover flowers in summer. Keep dead-heading to extend the flowering period.
75 cm

Slightly glaucous-pale green foliage with red central markings. Pale clover flowers in summer.
Slightly glaucous-pale green foliage with red central markings. Pale clover flowers in summer.
10 cm

Wonderful purple-maroon clover leaves with creamy clover flowers in summer. Good for dappled shade. Spreads.
Wonderful purple-maroon clover leaves with creamy clover flowers in summer. Good for dappled shade. Spreads.
10 cm

A giant clover with upright stems of rich, reddish-pink flowers, like dumpy bottlebrushes, all summer. Keep dead-heading to prolong flowering.
A giant clover with upright stems of rich, reddish-pink flowers, like dumpy bottlebrushes, all summer. Keep dead-heading to prolong flowering.
50 cm


Upturned starry, paler blue flowers with darker blue stripes flowers in July. Prefers well-drained soil. (PBR)
Upturned starry, paler blue flowers with darker blue stripes flowers in July. Prefers well-drained soil. (PBR)
50 cm

Violet-blue and white striped starry flowers, the opening of the flowers is staggered on each head, from June to July. Prefers well-drained soil. (PBR protected)
Violet-blue and white striped starry flowers, the opening of the flowers is staggered on each head, from June to July. Prefers well-drained soil. (PBR protected)
45 cm

Wonderful upturned, starry white flowers in June - July. Prefers well-drained soil.
Wonderful upturned, starry white flowers in June - July. Prefers well-drained soil.
45 cm


Like a soft pink Montbretia, late summer flowering. Mulch well in winter, especially if your soil is not very well drained.
Like a soft pink Montbretia, late summer flowering. Mulch well in winter, especially if your soil is not very well drained.
60 cm


Wonderful palest primrose yellow globe flowers from April to June.
Wonderful palest primrose yellow globe flowers from April to June.
45 cm

These bulbs are known to all – but not everyone is successful with them, year after year. If you have heavy clay soil, the bulbs are best lifted once the leaves have died back after flowering and dried off under cover. Then plant them back in October or November. The small species tulips are very useful for the rockery, and in most cases can be left in the ground.

A Tulipa clusiana type, which is an elegant tulip on tall willowy stems, with rosy-red and creamy-white flowers, in April. Best in a sheltered sunny spot out of the fiercest winds, in very well drained soil.
A Tulipa clusiana type, which is an elegant tulip on tall willowy stems, with rosy-red and creamy-white flowers, in April. Best in a sheltered sunny spot out of the fiercest winds, in very well drained soil.
25 cm

Dramatic tulip with orange, green, red and yellow flowers on sturdy stems in May.
Dramatic tulip with orange, green, red and yellow flowers on sturdy stems in May.
30 cm

Deep purple, nearly black flowers in May.
Deep purple, nearly black flowers in May.
45 cm

An elegant clusiana type tulip with smallish yellow flowers, reddish-pink outers to the petals and primrose yellow margins, in April. Best in a sheltered sunny spot out of the fiercest winds, in very well-drained soil.
An elegant clusiana type tulip with smallish yellow flowers, reddish-pink outers to the petals and primrose yellow margins, in April. Best in a sheltered sunny spot out of the fiercest winds, in very well-drained soil.
25 cm

‘Lily flowered tulip’. Elegant white flowers in May. Seems a tough perpetual tulip.
‘Lily flowered tulip’. Elegant white flowers in May. Seems a tough perpetual tulip.
60 cm