A to Z for genus list
Click on genus for plants
- calamagrostis
- calamintha
- camassia
- campanula
- cardamine
- carex
- caryopteris
- catananche
- ceratostigma
- chamaemelum
- chamaenerion
- chrysanthemum
- chrysogonum
- cirsium
- clematis
- convolvulus
- coreopsis
- cosmos
- cotoneaster
- crambe
- crepis
- crocosmia
- cyclamen
- cynara
Key to symbols


Upright dark green grassy leaves, loose panicles of slightly fluffy flowers form a dramatic statement to the back of the border, in summer; and it still looks good through the winter.

Attractively arching, quite dense plumes of grass flowers, turning almost white as it ages, in summer. Seems to prefer a sunny position, not too dry.


Bushy perennial with aromatic leaves, and pink tubular flowers, for weeks in summer. Prefers humus-rich soil.

Scented green foliage, with clouds of tiny lilac flowers for months, from midsummer. Prefers well-drained soil, in sun.

Scented green foliage, with clouds of tiny white flowers, from midsummer. Prefers well-drained soil.

Wonderfully easy bulbs especially if in slightly moisture retentive soils. We never seem to grow enough. Sell on sight!
Sky-blue flower spikes in early May.

(syn. C. LEICH.‘ALBA’)
Tall spikes of creamy white flowers in late May.

Tall spikes of creamy white flowers in late May with variegated foliage, very attractive.

Semi double cream flowers. Gradually opening up the stems in late May and June.

What a mouthful! Tall blue flower spikes in early May.

Like a Camassia on steroids! Strong stems of almost ice blue flowers, in May-June. Very slow to bulk up but grows easily and rare in cultivation, hence the price!

A dwarf Camssia with creamy outer margins to the leaves and spikes of blue flowers in late May to June.

A beautiful and varied genus with varieties to suit all gardens, from the very small to the much larger. Some, if happy, will run rather, so note the individual descriptions below! They seem to do best in not too dry a soil, and thrive in sun or semi-shade.

We have finally got the best form of this. Wiry stems with nodding blue bell flowers, like a wild harebell, from mid to late summer. Gently spreading.

Golden leaved Campanula, with starry, pale blue flowers in spring and summer. Probably best not to be in too hot a spot; it might scorch the leaves.

A wonderfully bushy plant with palish pink bell flowers on all the stems, for weeks from early summer.

A wonderful bushy plant with good blue bell flowers on all the stems, for weeks from early summer.

Makes a base of foliage, then sends up small sprays of rich purple-blue flowers for weeks from midsummer.

Rarely seen, this Campanula is a delight. It has creamy coloured bell flowers above a gently spreading base of leaves, from mid to late summer. Only a few.

Enchanting plant, very long flowering period on and off throughout the year. Purple-blue flowers. Seems much more compact than the straight species.

A gently spreading plant, covered with masses of stems of pure white bell-flowers, for months from June. Like a white flowered harebell.


Lilac flowers with attractive cut foliage, early spring, which provide valuable early nectar for bees. Dies down in early summer.


A dinky little evergreen sedge with green foliage and creamy white outer margins. Prefers moisture retentive soil. Prefers neutral to acidic soil but will tolerate lime.

‘Bowles’ golden sedge’. Found originally in the Norfolk Broads. Does best in really damp soil. Golden leaves with a thin outer edging of green. Semi-evergreen.


A tidy plant of silver-green foliage with a profusion of deepest blue flowering spikes for months from July.


Clumps of slightly hairy grassy leaves, sending up wiry stems of lavender blue flowers for weeks in summer. Attractive seed heads.

White flowered form and the petals are suffused with blue as they age. Attractive seed heads.


A spreading carpet of foliage which turns orange and red in autumn. Gentian-blue flowers in late summer. Disappears underground for the winter.


Double-flowered chamomile. Flat mat of green scented leaves with double white ‘pom pom’ flowers in midsummer.


Willowherb family. Beautiful tall stems of white flowers for a long period through summer. Fluffy white seeds. Spreads by underground runners. Invasive.

A wonderful pink version of the above. Almost candy pink flowers with reddish sepals. Will run just like C. ang. album.

An herbaceous group of plants which provide a lovely show of flowers late in the summer-autumn. The following are hardy.

Double-pink button flowers from late October onwards.

Rusty-red, semi-double flowers from September until late autumn.

This single flowered chrysanth is a lovely shade of rich pink. As with all the chrysanths it flowers for weeks in autumn, unless we get an exceptionally early and hard frost.


A valuable plant for shade. Sprawling branches of slightly coarse green leaves with bright yellow flowers, spring until autumn. Does not seem to mind if the soil is dry or damp.


Looks like a thistle until the flowers come out in May and June… then it looks like a crimson flowered thistle!


An herbaceous clematis with velvety-maroon foliage. Small creamy white flowers from midsummer. Benefits from a stake. Grown from seed.


Finely dissected silver foliage with pretty pink flowers all summer. If the roots can grow under paving or rocks in a sheltered spot it should come through most winters. Spreader.

A dwarf evergreen shrub with almost shiny silver foliage, covered in a mass of pink buds opening to white trumpet flowers, for months in summer. Needs a very sheltered, well drained position, protected from cold winter winds in sun, or put in a container and given winter protection. Worth a little extra care for such a lovely plant. Should be ready in mid May.


A base of green leaves sends up masses of yellow flowers with deep red inner ring, for months in summer. Flowers especially attractive hoverflies.

Pointed golden yellow daisy flowers from July onwards, on sturdy stems, covered in thin, dark green leaves.


Chocolate scented, crimson flowers from July, for months. Plant it deep and mulch in winter, or grow it in a pot and dry off inside in the winter. Does not come up until mid May, so don’t think you have lost it. Ready in June.


A carpeting shrub with small evergreen foliage. Our form seems to rarely flower or fruit, but is wonderfully ground-hugging.

Large, rather coarse lobed foliage, sending up huge sprays of honey scented, delicate white flowers, in June. Its spread can reach about 2 metres wide.


Rosettes of leaves covered with a mass of pink dandelion flowers, for months in summer. Only a few.

Crocosmias are wonderful late summer flowering bulbous plants. They like a good, rich soil which does not get too dry, especially in the summer. If we have a mild winter and they start shooting early, it might be wise to protect the emerging shoots with a light mulch.

Arching stems of yellow flowers, for weeks in late summer.

Bronzy foliage with arching spikes of rich egg yolk yellow flowers in late summer.

Dark bronzy foliage offsets the tomato-red flowers, on arching stems, from July to September.

Scarlet-orange flowers, on loosely branched stems, for weeks from July. Slightly later than C. 'Lucifer'.

Large pinky apricot flowers, on loosely branched stems, for weeks from July. (PBR)

Arching stems of scarlet flowers during the second half of summer. A must for the flame border.

A strong Crocosmia, which clumps up well. Good yellow flowers on arching stems from July to September.


The winter-flowering cyclamen. Grown from seed, so varying shades, mainly pink, from December to March. Prefers a woodland situation i.e. under deciduous trees and shrubs, in a humus-rich soil.


Ornamental globe artichoke. Statuesque plant, large silver-grey deeply divided leaves. Large blue-purple thistle flowers from August onwards.