A to Z for genus list
Click on genus for plants
- lathyrus
- lavandula
- leucojum
- lewisia
- libertia
- limonium
- linum
- lithodora
- lunaria
- lysimachia
- lythrum
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A clump-forming non-climbing perennial sweet pea. Grown from seed – mostly purple, though sometimes pink flowers in April and May, with a charm of their own.
A clump-forming non-climbing perennial sweet pea. Grown from seed – mostly purple, though sometimes pink flowers in April and May, with a charm of their own.
30 cm

Pink flowered version of L. vernus.
Pink flowered version of L. vernus.
30 cm

Non-climbing perennial sweet pea. White flowers in April and May, with a charm of their own. Grown from seed so probably best to wait till buds are showing to check if white.
Non-climbing perennial sweet pea. White flowers in April and May, with a charm of their own. Grown from seed so probably best to wait till buds are showing to check if white.
30 cm

A wonderfully aromatic genus of small shrubs. The flowers are often collected together and made into lavender bags or pot pourri. Both the leaves and the flowers are scented. The more dwarf varieties can make an attractive hedge to the front of a formal border. To keep their shape it is best to cut them back by about a third in early spring. They like a sunny, well-drained situation.

A dwarf lavender which can make a lovely edging to a formal bed. Spikes of deep purple flowers from May and June. Our best seller!
A dwarf lavender which can make a lovely edging to a formal bed. Spikes of deep purple flowers from May and June. Our best seller!
45 cm

A compact lavender with soft lavender blue flowers, for weeks in summer.
A compact lavender with soft lavender blue flowers, for weeks in summer.
45 cm

Pale pink flowers with green foliage in midsummer.
Pale pink flowers with green foliage in midsummer.
60 cm

Almost white foliage, spikes of deep purple flowers in summer. Ready in June.
Almost white foliage, spikes of deep purple flowers in summer. Ready in June.
60 cm

Tall white lavender. Ready in June.
Tall white lavender. Ready in June.
70 cm

‘French lavender’. Needs a slightly sheltered position. Purple flowers with extended bracts on top, in summer. Benefits from dead-heading to prolong the flowering.
‘French lavender’. Needs a slightly sheltered position. Purple flowers with extended bracts on top, in summer. Benefits from dead-heading to prolong the flowering.
45 cm


Summer Snowflake. Umbels of white flowers with greenish yellow tips, in spring and early summer.
Summer Snowflake. Umbels of white flowers with greenish yellow tips, in spring and early summer.
45 cm


Glossy, evergreen rosettes with rose-purple flowers coming out of the centre, in midsummer. Needs very well-drained soil, or give protection from winter wet.
Glossy, evergreen rosettes with rose-purple flowers coming out of the centre, in midsummer. Needs very well-drained soil, or give protection from winter wet.
10 cm

Striking, stiff upright orange and brown spiky foliage, with white flowers from early summer. Must have really well-drained soil to thrive, in sun.
Striking, stiff upright orange and brown spiky foliage, with white flowers from early summer. Must have really well-drained soil to thrive, in sun.
45 cm


Dwarf Statice. Neat evergreen basal rosette of dark green leaves, lilac statice flowers in summer.
Dwarf Statice. Neat evergreen basal rosette of dark green leaves, lilac statice flowers in summer.
20 cm

‘Dwarf statice’. Evergreen clumps of dark green leaves, with papery lilac statice flowers in summer. When we take cuttings of these, they smell of the sea and it helps us to look forward to our holidays.
‘Dwarf statice’. Evergreen clumps of dark green leaves, with papery lilac statice flowers in summer. When we take cuttings of these, they smell of the sea and it helps us to look forward to our holidays.
15 cm


Rich golden yellow flax flowers for weeks in summer. Prefers well-drained soil.
Rich golden yellow flax flowers for weeks in summer. Prefers well-drained soil.
20 cm


Sprawling habit with a mass of gentian blue flowers from early spring to summer. Meant to be a lime-hater, but according to some of our customers it seems able to tolerate some alkalinity.
Sprawling habit with a mass of gentian blue flowers from early spring to summer. Meant to be a lime-hater, but according to some of our customers it seems able to tolerate some alkalinity.
20 cm

A compact version of L. diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’; would be good for a trough. Ready in June.
A compact version of L. diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’; would be good for a trough. Ready in June.
10 cm


A purple leaved Honesty which colours up well if in full sun, with mauve-purple flowers in Spring, followed by disc-shaped seed-heads. A self-seeding biennial.
A purple leaved Honesty which colours up well if in full sun, with mauve-purple flowers in Spring, followed by disc-shaped seed-heads. A self-seeding biennial.
70 cm

Loosestrife family. A very varied genus, from the invasive to the more stationary! All like a moisture retentive soil in sun or partial shade.

Red-stemmed, spreading plant with green pointed leaves. Curiously curled over white flower spikes, jauntily pointing upwards at the tip from July to September. Gently spreads.
Red-stemmed, spreading plant with green pointed leaves. Curiously curled over white flower spikes, jauntily pointing upwards at the tip from July to September. Gently spreads.
90 cm

Yellow flowers up the stem in summer. Might have to cut out a little reversion now and then. The variegation is green and white with pink tints. Spreads.
Yellow flowers up the stem in summer. Might have to cut out a little reversion now and then. The variegation is green and white with pink tints. Spreads.
60 cm


Clear pink flowered loosestrife, in late summer. Ideal for moist soils.
Clear pink flowered loosestrife, in late summer. Ideal for moist soils.
1 m

A good form of the native pink loosestrife. Ideal for marginal soils, spreads well.
A good form of the native pink loosestrife. Ideal for marginal soils, spreads well.
1.1 m

A more compact loosestrife with reddish-pink flowers from July for weeks. Good marginal plant.
A more compact loosestrife with reddish-pink flowers from July for weeks. Good marginal plant.
60 cm