A to Z for genus list
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- gaura
- genista
- gentiana
- geranium
- geum
- gillenia
- gladiolus
- gypsophila
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Delicate willowy red stems with green linear leaves. Sprays of pink buds opening to white flowers for months, in late summer. Needs a sheltered spot out of the wind.
Delicate willowy red stems with green linear leaves. Sprays of pink buds opening to white flowers for months, in late summer. Needs a sheltered spot out of the wind.
1 m


A native plant, forming a low sprawling shrub, covered in yellow flowers in early summer.
A native plant, forming a low sprawling shrub, covered in yellow flowers in early summer.
20 cm


Green glossy leaves form a slow spreading mat. Large, dark blue trumpet flowers, somewhat spasmodically in spring. Happy in alkaline soils.
Green glossy leaves form a slow spreading mat. Large, dark blue trumpet flowers, somewhat spasmodically in spring. Happy in alkaline soils.
8 cm

The colour range is very broad and all have interesting foliage. All the herbaceous types can be cut back after flowering to encourage fresh new foliage and often another spate of flowers.

Trailing stems of golden yellow leaves, especially in spring, with dusky purple flowers from midsummer to autumn. Wonderful clambering through other plants.
Trailing stems of golden yellow leaves, especially in spring, with dusky purple flowers from midsummer to autumn. Wonderful clambering through other plants.
1 m trailing stems

A largish, open powder blue flower with darker radiating veins. Makes a sprawling mound of dissected leaves covered in flowers for weeks from June.
A largish, open powder blue flower with darker radiating veins. Makes a sprawling mound of dissected leaves covered in flowers for weeks from June.
45 cm

A semi-evergreen geranium with good white flowers and reddish-pink buds, for months in summer. Good groundcover, gently spreading, not invasive.
A semi-evergreen geranium with good white flowers and reddish-pink buds, for months in summer. Good groundcover, gently spreading, not invasive.
30 cm

Good pink flowered form. (PBR)
Good pink flowered form. (PBR)
30 cm

Sprawling stems of large pink flowers with purple veins, for months in summer. Clump forming.
Sprawling stems of large pink flowers with purple veins, for months in summer. Clump forming.
20 cm

Deeply cut leaf, with open white flowers veined pale lilac, in midsummer. Gently spreading.
Deeply cut leaf, with open white flowers veined pale lilac, in midsummer. Gently spreading.
45 cm

Similar to a G. sanguineum type with distinctive, large rich pink flowers and paler edges, for months in summer.
Similar to a G. sanguineum type with distinctive, large rich pink flowers and paler edges, for months in summer.
15 cm

Wonderful silver foliage, prostrate habit. Deep pink flowers in summer. Best grown in a scree bed, or in very well drained soil, sheltered from the coldest winds. Self-seeds.
Wonderful silver foliage, prostrate habit. Deep pink flowers in summer. Best grown in a scree bed, or in very well drained soil, sheltered from the coldest winds. Self-seeds.
15 cm

Blue-purple flowers for months, in summer. Makes a gently spreading clump.
Blue-purple flowers for months, in summer. Makes a gently spreading clump.
30 cm

Lovely, almost translucent blue flowers from May to July. Often seen growing under roses. Very slowly spreading.
Lovely, almost translucent blue flowers from May to July. Often seen growing under roses. Very slowly spreading.
45 cm

Palest pink, veined flowers in summer, forms a compact mound. Suitable for a trough. Prefers well-drained soil, in sun, with a little shelter from the worst winds.
Palest pink, veined flowers in summer, forms a compact mound. Suitable for a trough. Prefers well-drained soil, in sun, with a little shelter from the worst winds.
15 cm

A compact plant, with bright pink flowers, in summer. Prefers fairly well drained soil, in sun. Very rare.
A compact plant, with bright pink flowers, in summer. Prefers fairly well drained soil, in sun. Very rare.
15 cm

Evergreen, scented leaves with deep pink flowers throughout late spring to summer. Good for shade.
Evergreen, scented leaves with deep pink flowers throughout late spring to summer. Good for shade.
45 cm

Fresh green, scented semi-evergreen foliage, forms compact groundcover which gently spreads. Small milky-white flowers in early summer. Useful for dry shade but also happy in sun.
Fresh green, scented semi-evergreen foliage, forms compact groundcover which gently spreads. Small milky-white flowers in early summer. Useful for dry shade but also happy in sun.
30 cm

Glaucous tinge to the leaves with rounded sugar-pink flowers all summer. Prostrate growth.
Glaucous tinge to the leaves with rounded sugar-pink flowers all summer. Prostrate growth.
15 cm

Dark rich pink flowers in summer. Good for dry shade but slower than G. nodosum to spread. (We only have a few this year).
Dark rich pink flowers in summer. Good for dry shade but slower than G. nodosum to spread. (We only have a few this year).
25 cm

Large, deep violet-blue flowers for weeks in summer with divided foliage.
Large, deep violet-blue flowers for weeks in summer with divided foliage.
35 cm

Similar to G. psilostemon but is more compact. Forms a good clump with large magenta flowers and black centres, for months from May.
Similar to G. psilostemon but is more compact. Forms a good clump with large magenta flowers and black centres, for months from May.
75 cm

This is a good white-flowered geranium for shade, useful groundcover.
This is a good white-flowered geranium for shade, useful groundcover.
60 cm

Wonderfully marked foliage, dark purple blotches in centre of leaves. Deep maroon flowers in spring and early summer.
Wonderfully marked foliage, dark purple blotches in centre of leaves. Deep maroon flowers in spring and early summer.
60 cm

A form of meadow cranesbill with clear white flowers on tallish stems, for weeks from midsummer.
A form of meadow cranesbill with clear white flowers on tallish stems, for weeks from midsummer.
75 cm

Large blue flowers with paler centres, a wonderful geranium that flowers for months in summer and autumn. Makes a good mound. Our best selling plant. (PBR protected)
Large blue flowers with paler centres, a wonderful geranium that flowers for months in summer and autumn. Makes a good mound. Our best selling plant. (PBR protected)
40 cm

Large clear pink flowers with paler veins. One of our favourites.
Large clear pink flowers with paler veins. One of our favourites.
15 cm

As G. sang. striatum, only in miniature... delightful!
As G. sang. striatum, only in miniature... delightful!
10 cm

Tidy clumps of foliage covered in large pink flowers with darker 'lashes' in the centre, for weeks in summer.
Tidy clumps of foliage covered in large pink flowers with darker 'lashes' in the centre, for weeks in summer.
50 cm

A neat clumping plant with dark green foliage. Cerise pink flowers with black centres throughout summer.
A neat clumping plant with dark green foliage. Cerise pink flowers with black centres throughout summer.
20 cm

Flowers are palest pink with darker veining, very attractive. Forms a good clump. Semi-evergreen.
Flowers are palest pink with darker veining, very attractive. Forms a good clump. Semi-evergreen.
45 cm

Trailing stems of large, open magenta pink flowers, with darker radiating veins, for months in late summer. Late to emerge in spring.
Trailing stems of large, open magenta pink flowers, with darker radiating veins, for months in late summer. Late to emerge in spring.
25 cm


Very large, double scarlet flowers for months from July.
Very large, double scarlet flowers for months from July.
60 cm

A mass of semi-double orange flower from April to July.
A mass of semi-double orange flower from April to July.
50 cm


Delicate white flowers in summer on reddish, wiry stems, with slightly bronzy foliage; a bit of a special plant.
Delicate white flowers in summer on reddish, wiry stems, with slightly bronzy foliage; a bit of a special plant.
80 cm


Cherry-red flowers with cream centres, in May and June. Plant deeply to protect from frost, or grow in a pot and give winter protection. Prefers well-drained soil.
Cherry-red flowers with cream centres, in May and June. Plant deeply to protect from frost, or grow in a pot and give winter protection. Prefers well-drained soil.
1 m

A G. papilio hybrid. Nodding flowers in early autumn, reddish-corally pink with pale yellow inner, really quite showy. Flowers better if planted deeply, in damper soil.
A G. papilio hybrid. Nodding flowers in early autumn, reddish-corally pink with pale yellow inner, really quite showy. Flowers better if planted deeply, in damper soil.
1 m

Scarlet-orange flowers in early summer. Apparently nicknamed the Suicide Lily because it grows wild in South Africa on cliff faces so is extremely difficult to photograph!
Scarlet-orange flowers in early summer. Apparently nicknamed the Suicide Lily because it grows wild in South Africa on cliff faces so is extremely difficult to photograph!
20 cm

Wonderfully scented white flowers with maroon centres, in early autumn. Not fully hardy, so either lift after the first frosts, or enjoy in a pot and dry over winter. Late to emerge in spring. Ready about June.
Wonderfully scented white flowers with maroon centres, in early autumn. Not fully hardy, so either lift after the first frosts, or enjoy in a pot and dry over winter. Late to emerge in spring. Ready about June.
1.1 m

Grows in damp ground in its native southern Africa. Flowers better in damper soil, but watch out for slugs as it emerges in spring. Creamy nodding flowers flushed through with rosy-lilac in early autumn.
Grows in damp ground in its native southern Africa. Flowers better in damper soil, but watch out for slugs as it emerges in spring. Creamy nodding flowers flushed through with rosy-lilac in early autumn.
1 m

Nodding sulphur yellow flowers, in late summer with inner markings. Flowers better if planted deeply, in damper soils, in sun. Very rare and very slow to clump up.
Nodding sulphur yellow flowers, in late summer with inner markings. Flowers better if planted deeply, in damper soils, in sun. Very rare and very slow to clump up.
1 m

Much thicker stems than straight Gladiolus papilio, but has the characteristic nodding flowers, a good strong ruby-red in July. Flowers better if planted deeply, in damper soil. Still fairly rare.
Much thicker stems than straight Gladiolus papilio, but has the characteristic nodding flowers, a good strong ruby-red in July. Flowers better if planted deeply, in damper soil. Still fairly rare.
1 m


A mat-forming plant covered in white flowers in April and May. Sun and fairly well-drained soil.
A mat-forming plant covered in white flowers in April and May. Sun and fairly well-drained soil.
10 cm

Prostrate mound, with trailing sprays of pink flowers from late spring. Flowers attractive to bees.
Prostrate mound, with trailing sprays of pink flowers from late spring. Flowers attractive to bees.
10 cm

Glaucous leaves on maroon stems covered in sprays of dainty white flowers from July onwards, trailing habit. Prefers well-drained soil. Flowers attractive to bees.
Glaucous leaves on maroon stems covered in sprays of dainty white flowers from July onwards, trailing habit. Prefers well-drained soil. Flowers attractive to bees.
20 cm

Trailing stems, producing cloudy froths of pale pink double flowers for months from July. Likes a well-drained soil.
Trailing stems, producing cloudy froths of pale pink double flowers for months from July. Likes a well-drained soil.
30 cm