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Tall, erect, branching stems with terminal clusters of mauve flowers from mid to late summer. Gives height to other plantings. Self-seeds.
Tall, erect, branching stems with terminal clusters of mauve flowers from mid to late summer. Gives height to other plantings. Self-seeds.
1.5 m

A dwarf V. bonariensis which will appeal to quite a few of you I should think, with a more bushy habit. Mauve flowers from July to October. Not sure totally hardy. (PBR)
A dwarf V. bonariensis which will appeal to quite a few of you I should think, with a more bushy habit. Mauve flowers from July to October. Not sure totally hardy. (PBR)
60 cm

Attractive, candelabra spikes of pink flowers, for months from midsummer. Should self-seed.
Attractive, candelabra spikes of pink flowers, for months from midsummer. Should self-seed.
70 cm

Attractive, candelabra spikes of white flowers, for months from midsummer. Should self-seed.
Attractive, candelabra spikes of white flowers, for months from midsummer. Should self-seed.
70 cm

Rather like a dwarf version of Verbena bonariensis and will self-seed especially if grown in a gravel garden. Needs a more sheltered position.
Rather like a dwarf version of Verbena bonariensis and will self-seed especially if grown in a gravel garden. Needs a more sheltered position.
45 cm

Upright stems, of clusters of pale silvery blue, with a hint of lilac flowers for months from June. It needs a well-drained sunny spot in a sheltered situation to overwinter, otherwise treat as an annual and take cuttings.
Upright stems, of clusters of pale silvery blue, with a hint of lilac flowers for months from June. It needs a well-drained sunny spot in a sheltered situation to overwinter, otherwise treat as an annual and take cuttings.
30 cm


The shiny dark green leaves form a basal rosette, out of which come arching spikes of pale blue flowers in April to May.
The shiny dark green leaves form a basal rosette, out of which come arching spikes of pale blue flowers in April to May.
35 cm

Nearly-white flowers.
Nearly-white flowers.
25 cm

Tall spikes of white flowers in summer.
Tall spikes of white flowers in summer.
70 cm

Flat green mat, with dark blue flowers in summer.
Flat green mat, with dark blue flowers in summer.
10 cm

A flat green mat of foliage, with ice blue flowers in early summer.
A flat green mat of foliage, with ice blue flowers in early summer.
10 cm

Culver's Root. A tall erect perennial with dark green leaves. Spikes of white flowers from mid-summer to early autumn.
Culver's Root. A tall erect perennial with dark green leaves. Spikes of white flowers from mid-summer to early autumn.
2 m

A tall erect perennial with dark green leaves. Spikes of palest lavender flowers from mid-summer to early autumn. Prefers moisture retentive soil.
A tall erect perennial with dark green leaves. Spikes of palest lavender flowers from mid-summer to early autumn. Prefers moisture retentive soil.
2 m

Apt name for this Veronicastrum. Tall erect stems of branched mauve flowers like pointing fingers in all directions! Prefers moisture retentive soil. Only a few.
Apt name for this Veronicastrum. Tall erect stems of branched mauve flowers like pointing fingers in all directions! Prefers moisture retentive soil. Only a few.
2 m

The violas we grow seem to be happy in sun or partial shade. Some even do well in heavy shade, i.e. V. cornuta types. They all flower for ages and will flower more if cut back, once straggly, or regularly dead-headed throughout the season.

A spreading habit, with lilac-purple flowers all summer if occasionally dead-headed. Will seed about.
A spreading habit, with lilac-purple flowers all summer if occasionally dead-headed. Will seed about.
25 cm

White flowered form of the above, not quite so spreading.
White flowered form of the above, not quite so spreading.
20 cm

cornuta purpurea group
Makes good mats with purple flowers all summer if occasionally dead-headed.
Makes good mats with purple flowers all summer if occasionally dead-headed.
25 cm

A more pansy looking viola than most of the ones we grow. It has masses of violet blue flowers with a tiny bit of yellow in the centre, for months from spring until autumn. Should be ready in May. Gently seeds about.
A more pansy looking viola than most of the ones we grow. It has masses of violet blue flowers with a tiny bit of yellow in the centre, for months from spring until autumn. Should be ready in May. Gently seeds about.
15 cm

Lovely creamy yellow flowers for months, from spring if occasionally dead-headed. Ready in April.
Lovely creamy yellow flowers for months, from spring if occasionally dead-headed. Ready in April.
15 cm

Similar habit to V. cornuta but flowers are pale blue.
Similar habit to V. cornuta but flowers are pale blue.
15 cm

A tallish Viola, more pansy-like than most of the others we grow. Rich, deep purple flowers with tiny yellow central markings, for months from early summer.
A tallish Viola, more pansy-like than most of the others we grow. Rich, deep purple flowers with tiny yellow central markings, for months from early summer.
25 cm