A to Z for genus list
Click on genus for plants
- daphne
- darmera
- delphinium
- deschampsia
- deutzia
- dianthus
- diascia
- dicentra
- dierama
- digitalis
- doronicum
- dryas
Key to symbols


An smallish evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves, narrowly margined on outer edge with cream. Clusters of very scented purplish pink tinted, white flowers from late winter to spring. Poisonous.


Lightly haired stems with terminal clusters of pale pink flowers in spring which come up before the wonderful, large and rounded leaves. Ideal marginal plant for damp soils.

New Millennium series of delphiniums have wonderfully full, semi double to double blooms, strong flowering stems and are good hardy plants. They prefer a sunny situation in free-draining soil and benefit from the flowering stems being given some support. Best to keep an eye on the emerging shoots in spring as slugs will also being keeping watch! We find copper rings work well to deter them.

Strong stems of intense semi-double, pink flowers with dark centres for weeks, from midsummer.

Strong stems of pure white semi-double flowers for weeks, from midsummer.

Strong stems of deep blue, semi-double flowers with white centres for weeks, from midsummer.


Tufted Hair Grass. An evergreen grass which makes a good hummock, with arching panicles of glistening golden brown spikelets from midsummer.


A pretty, dwarf deciduous shrub for the rockery, with white flowers in late spring.

These evergreen plants make attractive, usually silver, carpets of foliage from which come a mass of flowers. Flowers vary with each variety, from a simple single flower to double. All of them like full sun and a fairly well-drained soil. They benefit from being regularly dead-headed.

Double white flowers with frilly edges, in summer. Scented. Makes a low mound. (PBR protected)

Double, white scented flowers with cut edge to petals. (PBR protected)

Gently scented single creamy-white flowers in summer. Forms a good mat.

Double flowers with frilly petals of lavender pink, with maroon centres and a wonderful scent. If dead-headed will flower for months in summer. (PBR)

A large mat-forming dianthus, with pale pink, single flowers in early summer. Softens the edge if planted at the top of a low wall.

Bright pink, single flowers. Can cope with fairly dry conditions. Looks lovely tumbling over the edge of a trough.

Long flowering, double pink, scented flowers.

Single flowers of darkest maroon edged with white and with white markings in the centres of the petals. Apparently the flowers, when bunched together, have a rich chocolate scent. Sells on sight!

Single cream flowers that flush pink with age. Compact.

Small scented semi-double pink flowers over a tidy mound of grey leaves.

Double red scented flowers, seems a strong grower. Very popular. (PBR)

Beautifully fragrant, single flowers of rosy lavender, aging to lilac and then fading to almost white. (PBR protected)

Showy, wonderfully fragrant, maroon flowers with paler markings over a mat of grey foliage, for weeks in summer.

Rich red double flowers with a deep wine eye, makes a good garden plant. Flowers for months in summer. (PBR protected)

Double pink, frilly edged flowers. Scented and long flowering.

Diascias have to be one of the most floriferous group of herbaceous plants. Give them a sunny situation, trim them back when the flowers get sparse, they will rejuvenate and start flowering all over again. If the soil is well-drained, they will survive most winters. Wonderful in tubs, or in the border. If you have heavy clay soil like us, it is best to treat them as an annual and take cuttings in the autumn. Alternatively, buy new plants from us in the spring!

Deep pink flowers for months during summer.

A slightly sprawling habit of round, green, slightly hairy leaves with dainty pink flowers all summer.

White flowered Diascia, on upright stems. Flowers for months in summer. Looks good growing with 'Love in the mist'.

Dwarf Diascia with rich pink flowers all summer.

Tall spikes of dainty pink flowers all summer, the tallest Diascia we grow.

Fairly upright stems of palish pink flowers over paler green foliage, all summer. Seems to flower well with us in a slightly shaded position though probably happier in full sun.


Attractive glaucous, feathery foliage, with ‘bleeding-heart’ flowers of deep pinkish red for months, from spring.

An evergreen corm which prefers good, well-drained soil that is moist in spring and early summer. Arching stems of nodding flowers in summer. Resents root disturbance so sometimes takes a year or two to settle down after planting but worth the wait! Hardy if planted in the ground but might need winter protection if grown in pots during a prolonged cold spell.

Wavy wands of terracotta pink flowers from midsummer.

‘Angel’s fishing rod’ – aptly describes the gracefully arching stems of pink nodding flowers in summer. Looks lovely beside water. Grown from seed, so varying shades of pink.


Yellow Foxglove. A fairly short-lived perennial with spikes of tubular yellow flowers with brown veins inside, for weeks from May. Poisonous.

Common Foxglove. Large felty leaves with tall spikes of white tubular flowers with dark spots inside, in midsummer. A biennial which self-seeds. Poisonous.


A compact plant with golden yellow daisy flowers, from April. Brightens up dappled shade, preferably in not too dry a spot.


A very compact, ground-hugging evergreen plant. Cream flowers in April and May, followed by fluffy seed heads. Only a very few.

Evergreen plant with crenated ovoid leaves. Cream coloured flowers in April and May, which later form long lasting fluffy seed heads. A ground-hugging mat.

Mountain Avens. Evergreen plant, forms a ground-hugging carpet. Slightly nodding, creamy yellow flowers in April and May.