A to Z for genus list
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- oenothera
- omphalodes
- origanum
- osteospermum
- othonna
- oxalis
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Red buds open into golden yellow flowers, on upright, red tinted stems for weeks from June. Not too dry a situation.
Red buds open into golden yellow flowers, on upright, red tinted stems for weeks from June. Not too dry a situation.
60 cm

Silvery-grey leaves on trailing stems with large golden yellow flowers, for weeks from late summer. Prefers well-drained soil.
Silvery-grey leaves on trailing stems with large golden yellow flowers, for weeks from late summer. Prefers well-drained soil.
20 cm

The Evening Primrose family is so varied, this must be one of the smallest. It has small rich pink flowers for most of the summer and early autumn. Has a slightly sprawling habit and self-seeds.
The Evening Primrose family is so varied, this must be one of the smallest. It has small rich pink flowers for most of the summer and early autumn. Has a slightly sprawling habit and self-seeds.
20 cm

Thin, strap-like leaves on reddish stems. Large yellow flowers all up the wiry stems from June until autumn. Self-seeds. We also grow the paler yellow form, O. stricta ‘Sulphurea’.
Thin, strap-like leaves on reddish stems. Large yellow flowers all up the wiry stems from June until autumn. Self-seeds. We also grow the paler yellow form, O. stricta ‘Sulphurea’.
1 m


Navelwort. An evergreen perennial with slightly glossy leaves and pretty deep blue forget-me-not type flowers in early spring. Does not like too much lime in the soil.
Navelwort. An evergreen perennial with slightly glossy leaves and pretty deep blue forget-me-not type flowers in early spring. Does not like too much lime in the soil.
25 cm

Origanum flowers are loved by the butterflies and bees; that must surely help to make them such worthy garden plants. O. laevigatum types have attractive loosely branching spikes of flowers in late summer; and seem to thrive in almost any soil. Their flowers are covered in butterflies on the nursery.

Silvery-white, very woolly rounded leaves with mauvy-pink bracted flowers in midsummer. Needs protection from winter wet. Prefers well-drained soil. Should be ready in June.
Silvery-white, very woolly rounded leaves with mauvy-pink bracted flowers in midsummer. Needs protection from winter wet. Prefers well-drained soil. Should be ready in June.
15 cm

A low spreading plant, covered in nodding heads of pink bracted flowers in July. Not always easy to get established, needs well-drained soil to thrive. Much commented on.
A low spreading plant, covered in nodding heads of pink bracted flowers in July. Not always easy to get established, needs well-drained soil to thrive. Much commented on.
20 cm

Dark green foliage, deep pinky mauve flowers from July onwards.
Dark green foliage, deep pinky mauve flowers from July onwards.
30 cm

Everything is rounded about this plant. Rounded, slightly hairy green leaves, with rounded heads of pink flowers and darker buds from July, for weeks.
Everything is rounded about this plant. Rounded, slightly hairy green leaves, with rounded heads of pink flowers and darker buds from July, for weeks.
40 cm

Large lime-green bracts which last for months from mid to late summer. Prefers a sheltered position in well-drained soil.
Large lime-green bracts which last for months from mid to late summer. Prefers a sheltered position in well-drained soil.
25 cm

Low growing clumps of green foliage, covered with pink flowers in August and September.
Low growing clumps of green foliage, covered with pink flowers in August and September.
15 cm

‘Gold tip marjoram’. Golden tips to the scented green leaves. Mauve flowers in summer. Useful in cooking.
‘Gold tip marjoram’. Golden tips to the scented green leaves. Mauve flowers in summer. Useful in cooking.
25 cm

Golden oregano, with tiny white flowers in summer. A decorative herb.
Golden oregano, with tiny white flowers in summer. A decorative herb.
25 cm


Large white daisy flowers which flush pink as they age. Flowers from late spring until the autumn, if occasionally dead-headed. Seems the hardiest Osteospermum. Prefers well-drained soil.
Large white daisy flowers which flush pink as they age. Flowers from late spring until the autumn, if occasionally dead-headed. Seems the hardiest Osteospermum. Prefers well-drained soil.
25 cm

Deep pink daisy flowers all summer, if fairly regularly dead-headed. Hardy in most gardens, if in well-drained soil.
Deep pink daisy flowers all summer, if fairly regularly dead-headed. Hardy in most gardens, if in well-drained soil.
15 cm


An unusual small evergreen shrub, with paddle-shaped glaucous foliage, almost succulent looking. Deep yellow daisy flowers in summer. Prefers well-drained soil.
An unusual small evergreen shrub, with paddle-shaped glaucous foliage, almost succulent looking. Deep yellow daisy flowers in summer. Prefers well-drained soil.
30 cm


A bulbous plant, with silver cut leaves and pink open flowers, in May and June.
A bulbous plant, with silver cut leaves and pink open flowers, in May and June.

A bulbous plant with grey-green divided leaves, and white open flowers in midsummer.
A bulbous plant with grey-green divided leaves, and white open flowers in midsummer.
5 cm

A bulbous plant with grey-green divided leaves, and lilac-purple open flowers, in midsummer. Likes free-draining soil.
A bulbous plant with grey-green divided leaves, and lilac-purple open flowers, in midsummer. Likes free-draining soil.
5 cm