A to Z for genus list
Click on genus for plants
- sagina
- salix
- salvia
- sambucus
- sanguisorba
- saponaria
- saxifraga
- scabiosa
- schizostylis
- scilla
- scutellaria
- sedum
- sempervivum
- senecio
- serratula
- silene
- sisyrinchium
- solidago
- stachys
- sternbergia
- stipa
- symphytum
Key to symbols


A clump of needle thin golden leaves, which form a ground-hugging mat. Covered in tiny starry white flowers in May and June.
A clump of needle thin golden leaves, which form a ground-hugging mat. Covered in tiny starry white flowers in May and June.
3 cm


A dwarf willow with rounded green foliage on erect stems. Very slow growing, after several decades will reach about 90cm. Prefers moisture retentive soil.
A dwarf willow with rounded green foliage on erect stems. Very slow growing, after several decades will reach about 90cm. Prefers moisture retentive soil.
90 cm

A slow growing, dwarf deciduous willow with dark brown stems and silver white pussy willow buds in late winter and spring.
A slow growing, dwarf deciduous willow with dark brown stems and silver white pussy willow buds in late winter and spring.
1 m

Woolly Willow. A grey, felty leaved deciduous willow which forms a low rounded shrub, ideal for the larger rockery. There seems to be two forms, ours is the one currently most commonly found in the trade.
Woolly Willow. A grey, felty leaved deciduous willow which forms a low rounded shrub, ideal for the larger rockery. There seems to be two forms, ours is the one currently most commonly found in the trade.
75 cm

A dwarf, very slow growing deciduous willow, not often grown. Produces slender yellow catkins with pink tips in spring. Likes a cool situation.
A dwarf, very slow growing deciduous willow, not often grown. Produces slender yellow catkins with pink tips in spring. Likes a cool situation.
8 cm


White, woolly foliage forms a basal rosette, with spikes of blue flowers in summer. I cannot find any cultural advice in any of our reference books but I am sure it would benefit from protection from winter wet.
White, woolly foliage forms a basal rosette, with spikes of blue flowers in summer. I cannot find any cultural advice in any of our reference books but I am sure it would benefit from protection from winter wet.
15 cm

Large hairy leaves form a base for the thin spikes of violet-blue flowers, with a white lower lip, for weeks from midsummer.
Large hairy leaves form a base for the thin spikes of violet-blue flowers, with a white lower lip, for weeks from midsummer.
1 m

White and scarlet flowers for months in summer. Needs a sheltered corner for overwintering in well drained soil, or bring under cover. Should be ready about May.
White and scarlet flowers for months in summer. Needs a sheltered corner for overwintering in well drained soil, or bring under cover. Should be ready about May.
50 cm

Similar habit to ‘Hot Lips’. A mass of pale creamy yellow flowers with a tint of pink at the top of the flowers, for months from midsummer. Needs a sheltered spot to overwinter outside, otherwise grow in a pot and bring under cover in winter.
Similar habit to ‘Hot Lips’. A mass of pale creamy yellow flowers with a tint of pink at the top of the flowers, for months from midsummer. Needs a sheltered spot to overwinter outside, otherwise grow in a pot and bring under cover in winter.
50 cm

Narrow spikes of deep purple flowers, from July.
Narrow spikes of deep purple flowers, from July.
60 cm

A showy plant with loose spikes of wine red flowers, for weeks from July.
A showy plant with loose spikes of wine red flowers, for weeks from July.
60 cm

‘Purple sage’. Purple scented foliage with spikes of blue flowers in June and July.
‘Purple sage’. Purple scented foliage with spikes of blue flowers in June and July.
60 cm

Hairy leaves, good show of indigo-violet flowers on thin spikes, with reddish-purple bracts for weeks from midsummer. Dead-head to prolong flowering.
Hairy leaves, good show of indigo-violet flowers on thin spikes, with reddish-purple bracts for weeks from midsummer. Dead-head to prolong flowering.
80 cm

Large slightly hairy green leaves at the base, sending up tallish spikes of indigo-blue flowers for weeks, in summer. Should be ready in May.
Large slightly hairy green leaves at the base, sending up tallish spikes of indigo-blue flowers for weeks, in summer. Should be ready in May.
80 cm

Similar habit to ‘Hot Lips’ but with a mass of cerise pink flowers, for months from midsummer. Needs a sheltered spot to overwinter outside, otherwise grow in a pot and bring under cover.
Similar habit to ‘Hot Lips’ but with a mass of cerise pink flowers, for months from midsummer. Needs a sheltered spot to overwinter outside, otherwise grow in a pot and bring under cover.
50 cm

A hardy Salvia for damp soils, no wonder we like it! Tall willowy stems of sky blue flowers in late summer. When happy, creeps about a bit. Late to come through in the spring. Should be ready in May.
A hardy Salvia for damp soils, no wonder we like it! Tall willowy stems of sky blue flowers in late summer. When happy, creeps about a bit. Late to come through in the spring. Should be ready in May.
1.3 m


Cut leaved Black Elder. An upright bushy shrub with blackish purple finely divided leaves. Distinctive elderflower scent to the pink flowers in early summer, followed by glossy black berries in autumn. (PBR)
Cut leaved Black Elder. An upright bushy shrub with blackish purple finely divided leaves. Distinctive elderflower scent to the pink flowers in early summer, followed by glossy black berries in autumn. (PBR)


Maroon bottlebrush flowers on slightly willowy stems, for weeks from May. Prefers moist soil.
Maroon bottlebrush flowers on slightly willowy stems, for weeks from May. Prefers moist soil.
70 cm

Slightly arching, willowy stems with pink bottle-brush flowers which call out to be stroked, for weeks in summer. Prefers moist soil.
Slightly arching, willowy stems with pink bottle-brush flowers which call out to be stroked, for weeks in summer. Prefers moist soil.
60 cm

This was my plant of 2012, I’m so glad we have enough to offer it this year. Willowy stems with lots of smallish pink bottle-brush flowers, for weeks in summer to early autumn. Not too dry a situation.
This was my plant of 2012, I’m so glad we have enough to offer it this year. Willowy stems with lots of smallish pink bottle-brush flowers, for weeks in summer to early autumn. Not too dry a situation.
80 cm

Tall stems with drooping bottle-brush like flowers, for weeks in summer. Happy in moist soils. Adds airy height to the border.
Tall stems with drooping bottle-brush like flowers, for weeks in summer. Happy in moist soils. Adds airy height to the border.
1.8 m


‘Tumbling Ted’. Trailing stems covered in simple four-petalled pink flowers in summer. Ready in April.
‘Tumbling Ted’. Trailing stems covered in simple four-petalled pink flowers in summer. Ready in April.
10 cm


Large pink flowers in late winter, early spring.
Large pink flowers in late winter, early spring.
10 cm

Encrusted saxifrage, more spreading than most of the others we grow. Creamy white flowers on a stem; in early spring.
Encrusted saxifrage, more spreading than most of the others we grow. Creamy white flowers on a stem; in early spring.
20 cm

Primrose yellow flowers, in late winter-early spring.
Primrose yellow flowers, in late winter-early spring.
10 cm

Outsized pink flowers, in late winter-early spring.
Outsized pink flowers, in late winter-early spring.
5 cm

Another slow growing Saxifrage that adds valuable, late winter interest to the rockery. Primrose-yellow flowers, in late winter-early spring.
Another slow growing Saxifrage that adds valuable, late winter interest to the rockery. Primrose-yellow flowers, in late winter-early spring.
5 cm

Forms a low mound of small dark green leaves, producing large rose-purple flowers in early spring. Prefers a moist, cool position in gritty soil.
Forms a low mound of small dark green leaves, producing large rose-purple flowers in early spring. Prefers a moist, cool position in gritty soil.
5 cm

Green mossy foliage with scarlet flowers from March to May.
Green mossy foliage with scarlet flowers from March to May.
10 cm

Rosy-pink flowers, in late winter, early spring.
Rosy-pink flowers, in late winter, early spring.
10 cm

Silver variegation to the mossy foliage. Pale pink flowers from March to April.
Silver variegation to the mossy foliage. Pale pink flowers from March to April.
10 cm

A mat forming plant with very showy, arching panicles of white flowers heavily spotted red, in late spring and early summer. Prefers well-drained soil.
A mat forming plant with very showy, arching panicles of white flowers heavily spotted red, in late spring and early summer. Prefers well-drained soil.
25 cm

Attractive encrusted rosettes tinged with red on outer edge. White flowers in summer.
Attractive encrusted rosettes tinged with red on outer edge. White flowers in summer.
15 cm

'White Star'
Green mossy foliage with white flowers from March to May.
Green mossy foliage with white flowers from March to May.
10 cm


Dainty little creamy-yellow scabious flowers, from May until autumn. Prefers well-drained soil.
Dainty little creamy-yellow scabious flowers, from May until autumn. Prefers well-drained soil.
30 cm

Trying another dwarf scabious for the rockery, will stay compact if the soil is not too rich and is well-drained. Blue pincushion flowers from midsummer.
Trying another dwarf scabious for the rockery, will stay compact if the soil is not too rich and is well-drained. Blue pincushion flowers from midsummer.
20 cm

Dark maroon flowers on branching stems, for weeks from July. Seems hardy if in a very sheltered spot and with well-drained soil.
Dark maroon flowers on branching stems, for weeks from July. Seems hardy if in a very sheltered spot and with well-drained soil.
1.1 m

All Scillas are harmful if eaten.

Early flowering dwarf bulb, of pale blue flowers with darker central stripes. It can start flowering as early as January in a mild winter.
Early flowering dwarf bulb, of pale blue flowers with darker central stripes. It can start flowering as early as January in a mild winter.
10 cm

It is such a cheering sight in early spring when the gentian blue flower spikes push up through the ground. Ideal for growing under deciduous trees and shrubs.
It is such a cheering sight in early spring when the gentian blue flower spikes push up through the ground. Ideal for growing under deciduous trees and shrubs.
10 cm


This delicate-looking plant grows well in sun or shade, and dry shade at that! Deep blue flowers from July to September. Spreads by underground runners. Disappears underground for the winter.
This delicate-looking plant grows well in sun or shade, and dry shade at that! Deep blue flowers from July to September. Spreads by underground runners. Disappears underground for the winter.
15 cm

A mound of foliage with clusters of sherbert lemon flowers from May to August.
A mound of foliage with clusters of sherbert lemon flowers from May to August.
25 cm

A mound of foliage covered in small rich pinky purple flowers from July until autumn.
A mound of foliage covered in small rich pinky purple flowers from July until autumn.
20 cm

Sedums are an herbaceous group of plants with succulent looking leaves. They flower in late summer, early autumn and are very attractive to butterflies and bees. The taller varieties look attractive to us even when the flowers have gone over, so help add interest to the garden in winter. We have been told Sedums will tolerate some shade if grown in dry conditions, but think it best to grow coloured leaf forms in full sun.

Trailing purple tinged leaves which darken with age. Reddish-pink flowers in late summer, on prostrate stems.
Trailing purple tinged leaves which darken with age. Reddish-pink flowers in late summer, on prostrate stems.
10 cm

Glaucous leaves, with deep pink flowers during late summer and early autumn. Good for the rockery.
Glaucous leaves, with deep pink flowers during late summer and early autumn. Good for the rockery.
10 cm

Cream, red and green variegated foliage, tinting pinker in cold weather. Orange buds and yellow flowers in late summer.
Cream, red and green variegated foliage, tinting pinker in cold weather. Orange buds and yellow flowers in late summer.
10 cm

A pretty pink sedum with pink tinted stems and a gentle scent, in autumn. Copes well in dappled shade.
A pretty pink sedum with pink tinted stems and a gentle scent, in autumn. Copes well in dappled shade.
45 cm

Good upright sedum with red flowers. Like a red cauliflower!
Good upright sedum with red flowers. Like a red cauliflower!
30 cm

Flat heads of palest greeny-yellow flowers from July.
Flat heads of palest greeny-yellow flowers from July.
35 cm


House Leeks. A group of evergreen succulent plants. They like full sun and very well-drained soil. Any rosettes that flower die, so they produce new rosettes all around the base for self preservation. Ideal in troughs. Collecting them can be quite addictive! We grow about 35 different varieties and keep looking for new ones.
4 cm


South African ragwort. Wiry stems of smallish mauve-purple daisy flowers, for weeks from early summer. Clumps up well in a sheltered spot. Suspect not fully hardy. Poisonous.
South African ragwort. Wiry stems of smallish mauve-purple daisy flowers, for weeks from early summer. Clumps up well in a sheltered spot. Suspect not fully hardy. Poisonous.
40 cm


Here is a plant to deceive your friends with – looks like a French marigold until it flowers. In September it is covered in many- branched stems of dainty pink cornflower-type flowers. A valuable late flowering plant for the rockery.
Here is a plant to deceive your friends with – looks like a French marigold until it flowers. In September it is covered in many- branched stems of dainty pink cornflower-type flowers. A valuable late flowering plant for the rockery.
15 cm


A mat forming plant with stems of double white flowers in summer.
A mat forming plant with stems of double white flowers in summer.
15 cm

Iris-type leaves, but that is where the similarity ends! They have clusters of flowers, each flower only lasting a day. All like a well-drained, sunny position, and flower in summer.

Lavender-mauve flowers with a distinct purple eye, for months in the summer.
Lavender-mauve flowers with a distinct purple eye, for months in the summer.
12 cm

White flowers. Compact.
White flowers. Compact.
10 cm

An improvement on our un-named purple Sisyrinchium, with larger showier flowers all summer. More compact.
An improvement on our un-named purple Sisyrinchium, with larger showier flowers all summer. More compact.
15 cm

Good purple flowers for months in summer, earlier than S. 'Marion'.
Good purple flowers for months in summer, earlier than S. 'Marion'.
12 cm

I wouldn’t fancy eating raspberries this colour! More biscuit-coloured like S. biscutella but half the height.
I wouldn’t fancy eating raspberries this colour! More biscuit-coloured like S. biscutella but half the height.
15 cm


Gently arching stems of soft yellow flowers in late summer, autumn.
Gently arching stems of soft yellow flowers in late summer, autumn.
70 cm

Elegantly arching, narrow branching stems of yellow flowers, for weeks from September, over bronze tinted foliage. Quite unlike the more common Solidago.
Elegantly arching, narrow branching stems of yellow flowers, for weeks from September, over bronze tinted foliage. Quite unlike the more common Solidago.
1 m


Basal mat of felty-grey foliage. Spikes of tiny cream flowers in summer.
Basal mat of felty-grey foliage. Spikes of tiny cream flowers in summer.
10 cm

A basal rosette of slightly serrated leaves, with short dense spikes of white flowers from July. Useful plant for late summer colour in the rockery.
A basal rosette of slightly serrated leaves, with short dense spikes of white flowers from July. Useful plant for late summer colour in the rockery.
10 cm


Yellow crocus type flowers come before the long strap-like leaves in late summer, early autumn. Needs a sunny, well-drained position to flower well. We cannot think why this bulb is not better known. It is good to have an autumn flowering bulb for the garden.
Yellow crocus type flowers come before the long strap-like leaves in late summer, early autumn. Needs a sunny, well-drained position to flower well. We cannot think why this bulb is not better known. It is good to have an autumn flowering bulb for the garden.
10 cm



Forms large grassy clumps with tall oat-like flowers in summer.
Forms large grassy clumps with tall oat-like flowers in summer.
2.2 m

The description will not do this attractive grass justice… A small clump of fine, green leaves with a mass of delicate oat-coloured grass flowers, in summer. Self-seeds.
The description will not do this attractive grass justice… A small clump of fine, green leaves with a mass of delicate oat-coloured grass flowers, in summer. Self-seeds.
45 cm


A good red flowered form of comfrey which appeared in Angela and Ian Whinfield’s garden at Snape Cottage.
A good red flowered form of comfrey which appeared in Angela and Ian Whinfield’s garden at Snape Cottage.
60 cm

Golden variegated groundcover comfrey, very useful especially to lighten a shady corner. Pinky buds open to creamy white flowers from spring. Tends to send up the odd reversion now and then. Spreading.
Golden variegated groundcover comfrey, very useful especially to lighten a shady corner. Pinky buds open to creamy white flowers from spring. Tends to send up the odd reversion now and then. Spreading.
20 cm

Wonderful golden variegated foliage with tall stems of typical slightly wishy-washy comfrey flowers. We cut down the flowering stems pretty soon so the showy clump of leaves at the base can ‘strut their stuff’.
Wonderful golden variegated foliage with tall stems of typical slightly wishy-washy comfrey flowers. We cut down the flowering stems pretty soon so the showy clump of leaves at the base can ‘strut their stuff’.
1.1 m