A to Z for genus list
Click on genus for plants
- calamagrostis
- calamintha
- caltha
- camassia
- campanula
- cardamine
- carex
- caryopteris
- catananche
- cephalaria
- ceratostigma
- cerinthe
- chamaecyparis
- chamaemelum
- chamerion
- chiastophyllum
- chionodoxa
- chrysanthemum
- chrysogonum
- cirsium
- convolvulus
- coreopsis
- corydalis
- cosmos
- cotoneaster
- cotula
- crambe
- crepis
- crocosmia
- crocus
- cyclamen
- cynara
Key to symbols


Only an annual; but what an annual! Nodding flowers with surrounding bracts, almost metallic purple-blue. Flowers most of the summer, just remember to collect the seeds! Plants ready in early May.
Only an annual; but what an annual! Nodding flowers with surrounding bracts, almost metallic purple-blue. Flowers most of the summer, just remember to collect the seeds! Plants ready in early May.
45 cm